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CHA800/14 Applying for HMRC recognition/Notifying HMRC of new trustees

Price : £10.00 | Product Code : CHA800/14
No. of Licences

What is it for?
How do you use it?
What are the benefits?

The Finance Act 2010 introduced a new regime of regulation for new charities, charity trustees and charity administrators.

The new regime also aplies to existing charities when there are changes to trustees or senior staff.

The new rules require a 'fit and proper' process to be undertaken before a charity can achieve HMRC recognition for Gift Aid and other tax reliefs. Failure to meet the new requirements can prejudice a charity's taxation status, and lead to potential embarassment involving trustees and senior management.

This bundle of documents helps comply with these requirements, and consists of :-

A set of  Word documents, fully indexed, together with guidance notes to ensure that a charity properly notifies HMRC of all the changes in trustees and senior managers as is required by the 'fit and proper' rules

  • Guidance on why HMRC have introduced the 'fit and proper' regime
  • How the regime works
  • Forms and letters for a new charity to obtain recognition from HMRC
  • Forms for new trustees and new senior employees of both new and existing charities to help with the rquired due diligence
  • Standard letter to HMRC to notify them of new authorised officials, responsible persons and nominees
  • Simple and easy to use

These documents should make complying with the 'fit and proper' requirements for HMRC recognition simple and straightforward.

If you are an accountancy firm, it should be of great assistance if you want to achieve Quality Assurance approval from the professional monitors.

If you are a charity, it will help you set up procedures to make the required notifications

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