Sorpaid Legal & Copyright Information
Please find below various legal statements and other
information including:
Information required by The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013
The following information is required by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.
It is assumed that most purchasers on this website will not be purchasing as ‘consumers’ as defined in the regulations, and purchasers may be invited to tick a box confirming their status as non consumers. The effect of this will be to permit the immediate download of digital media, which is prohibited in the case of consumers until the expiry of 14 days from purchase. Notwithstanding this assumption, we set out the details required by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, to cover the eventuality that a purchase is made by a consumer.
The main characteristics of the goods or services are detailed under each product tab on this website. A specimen letter of engagement will be supplied upon request, where the supply of professional advice services are anticipated. The standard terms and conditions for the supply of software are shown under the ‘Legal and Copyright and Terms and conditions’ tabs on this website.
The name of the trader providing the software and templates is Chartmain Services Ltd, registered in England No 07217558 trading as Sorpaid, of Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF. The telephone number is 07786 167 990 and the email address is The former firm of Peter Brown FCCA, may provide, at their absolute discretion, any accountancy or charity law advice offered on this website. Peter Brown FCCA is a non practising member of the ACCA as such is entitled to use the title ‘Chartered Certified Accountant’. The price of the goods or services inclusive of taxes is as indicated on the product tabs on this website. In those cases where formalities are required under the Money Laundering Regulations, no contract will be entered into until those formalities have been complied with.
There are no additional delivery charges and any other costs. Charges and annual renewal fees for services are indicated under the product tabs on this website and are for annual licence fees or hourly charge rates as indicated for each product.
Payment for the services will be by on line payment using electronic payment methods, by secure credit / debit card payments via Paypal or Worldpay and delivery will be electronic download immediately after payment, except where indicated on a particular product tab or except when the services relate to professional advice services, when they will be the subject of an agreed letter of engagement.
Where the services relate to professional advice services, the complaints procedure will be set out in the letter of engagement agreed before contract with the former firm of Peter Brown FCCA, if applicable. In all other cases, complaints should be referred to Peter Brown FCCA on
In order to permit the immediate download of digital media, purchasers will be asked to indicate either that they are not consumers within the meaning of the regulations, or that if they are consumers they will be asked to indicate that they have given express consent, and have acknowledged that the right to cancel the contract under regulation 29(1) will be lost. If neither of these indications are forthcoming, the purchaser will be supplied with a cancellation notice and will have to wait 14 days for a download. Where the right to cancel has been lost the consumer will not benefit from a right to cancel.
If the consumer exercises the right to cancel after having made a request in accordance with regulation 36(1) for immediate work to be undertaken, the consumer is to be liable to pay the trader reasonable costs in accordance with regulation 36(4);
The product tabs on this website give details of the after sales support and assistance that is available.
Peter Brown FCCA is subject to ACCA's ethical and other professional requirements which are available for inspection on ACCA’s website, whose address is
Except where otherwise indicated under the product tabs on this website, all licences for products are for one year from the date of purchase and all professional services will be on such duration as is set out in the agreed letter of engagement.
The product tabs on this website set out the software requirements required for full functionality of the products.
(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999
The rights of third parties arising under the provisions of The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 are specifically excluded from any contract arising from or via this web site except to the extent that such exclusion is prohibited by Statute or Professional Rules or is expressly set out in writing.
Terms of supply of software, ebooks and other electronic downloaded products.
Please see our ‘Terms and Conditions’ and ‘Refunds Policy'.
disclaimer notices and terms of using this web site
The information contained in this site is of a general nature and is not a substitute for professional advice. You are recommended to take specific professional advice before you take any action. It is an essential precondition of using this site that the full copyright , disclaimer notices and terms of using the web site are viewed and accepted by all users before viewing the rest of the site
- Copyright
Unless otherwise stated on any particular document within this web site, the copyright and intellectual property rights in all material in this web site (including, but not limited to, information, photographs, electronic files and graphical images) is owned by Sorpaid, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF
Prior written consent must be obtained from the copyright holder before any contents of this web site are printed, modified , transmitted ,stored electronically or reproduced in any format whether electronic or otherwise except as provided below.
Such prior written consent is not required if such downloading or printing
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(d) the copyright notice below and this permission notice appears in all copies
No part of this site may be reproduced or stored in any other web site or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without Sorpaid prior written approval.
© 2024 Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF
- Disclaimer
Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA, Chartered Certified Accountant, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF, have used reasonable care and skill in compiling the material on this site, but makes no warranty as to its accuracy or completeness. Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA, Chartered Certified Accountant, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF, accept no liability for any errors or omissions in the material ,or for any action or decision taken or not taken as a result of using this site.
Every effort has been made by Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA, Chartered Certified Accountant, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF, to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all the information contained within this website, and its contents are given in good faith. However, the nature of the matters covered is complex and intricate, and the specific application of any matter to the specific circumstances in which an individual or organisation may find themselves will always depend on a detailed understanding of the particular facts of the case and the particular wishes and aspirations of the individuals and organisations involved, and consequently specific professional advice on the particular circumstances must be sought before taking any steps or refraining from taking any steps, and no liability can be accepted by Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA for any loss, no matter how arising, in the absence of such advice having been sought from and given by Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA .
This site may contain material provided to Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA, Chartered Certified Accountant, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF, by third parties. Those providing such material are responsible for ensuring that it complies with international and national law. Sorpaid reserve the right to delete, suspend or change the position of any such material and accepts no liability for any error or omission in it.
This site may contain links to other third party sites not in the control of Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA. Those links are not warranted in any way, and Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA accept no responsibility for the contents of such third party websites.
Peter Brown FCCA endeavours to ensure that this site is normally available 24 hours a day. It may, however, suspend access to this site without notice at any time and accepts no liability for any consequences of the site being unavailable for any reason.
- Terms of use of this web site.
These terms do not apply to any other products or services provided by Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA in respect of which more specific terms and conditions will apply. See Product Terms & Conditions. These terms and conditions apply only to the use of the web site itself.
By using this site, you signify your agreement to the terms of use contained in this statement. If you do not agree to these terms you should not use the site. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
1. No matter from wherever or however in the world this website is accessed, these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law and any matter or dispute arising directly or indirectly from the website or its contents shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the English Courts and of no other jurisdiction.
2. All users of this website who do not immediately exit from this website after reading these terms and conditions, or who access any part of this website other than the contents (index ) page and these terms and conditions shall by their actions be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions in their entirety and shall be estopped thereby from raising any allegation that these terms and conditions do not apply.
3. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, this website shall mean all that collection or assembly of documents accessible via the index page , and for this purpose the electronic file or files at any date containing the contents of the website maintained on the web server by Sorpaid and Peter Brown FCCA , Chartered Certified Accountant, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF, ( the firm) shall be conclusive evidence as to the contents of the website at the date in question.
4. The copyright and the disclaimer notices on our copyright pages of this web site are incorporated in these terms and conditions, and all users acknowledge they have read them if they proceed further beyond this point without exiting from the web site.
5. Unless a specific written professional letter of engagement shall exist , bearing the signature of the firm specifying the terms of any contract between the firm and any identifiable specifically named user (the user) of this website then no such user shall be able to allege that a contract shall or has existed between the firm and that said user, and if such a letter shall exist then its terms shall be a full and exclusive description of the contract between the firm and the said user, and no other terms shall be implied into the said contract as a result of the user accessing this website or otherwise. If a client of our firm who has a specific written professional letter of engagement shall access any section of the website, then the client shall only hold the firm responsible for the contents of that section of the website and any actions he or she may have taken arising from the contents of that section of the website if he or she shall have obtained specific written confirmation from the firm that the detailed contents of that section of the website do apply to the particular circumstances of the client.
Any referral by Chartmain Services Ltd or Peter Brown FCCA to Peter Brown & Co or any other professional advisor is made without recourse or any liability whatever attaching to Chartmain Services Ltd or Peter Brown FCCA to Peter Brown’s former firm shall be subject to any letter of engagement entered into by that firm or that other advisor.
6. The Contracts ( Rights of Third Parties ) Act 1999 shall not apply to any relationship that may exist between the firm and the user whether in contract or otherwise, and any liability to third parties is excluded.
7. No liability in tort or otherwise than by contract shall attach to the firm to the user or any other third party as a result of the user directly or indirectly using any information or document or directly or indirectly acting or refraining from acting on any information or document contained within this website.
Chartmain Services Ltd is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 to hold and process information for the purposes of marketing, dealing with the affairs of clients, and complying with statutory and regulatory requirements relevant to the conduct of an accounting practice.
Data will be held about existing clients. past clients and prospective clients and relevant third parties with whom they have had transactions. The data will include data which the clients themselves have produced and processed for the purposes of preparing accounts and returns. Any such data may be kept in a variety of media, and will be retained for as long as there is any possibility of the making of claims either against the firm or the clients or any third party, by either the firm or their clients. In normal circumstances, this may mean that such data will be retained for a period of six years from the last entry in the record or file concerned.
Such data will only be communicated to clients, or to third parties on their written authority, or where required by statute or other process of law.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998 we are required to take reasonable steps to check the accuracy of personal information. If you have any reason to believe that we have failed to correct or remove wrong information about you, you have the right to ask the Information Commissioner to check whether our dealing with your information has met this requirement.
Any person having a lawful right to require under the provisions of the legislation that the firm provide a copy of any personal data in a file held by the firm shall approach the Data Controller, Peter Brown, Chartmain Services Ltd in the first instance. A fee not more than the statutory maximum may be charged.
This statement is only an extract from the full statement relating to Data Protection made by the firm, and the full text is available upon request from the Data Controller.
Any notice under the legislation should be sent in writing to :-
The Data Controller, Peter Brown FCCA, Chartmain Services Ltd, Crown House York Road, Shiptonthorpe, York, England, YO43 3PF
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
Please use the links below to download our various Privacy Policy & GDPR Compliance documents:
Privacy Policy (PDF)
Client Rights (PDF)
Email Protocol (PDF)
Product Terms & Conditions