Overview of the Steps Process
STEP 1: Setting VT Properties
STEP 2: Establishing the Legal Status
STEP 3: Legal Conditions to be met
STEP 4: Name and Address etc
STEP 5: Type of Company Charity
STEP 7: Overseas Jurisdictions
STEP 8: E&W Charity Registration
STEP 8: Scotland Registration Details
STEP 8: NI Charity Registration
STEP 9: Scrutiny of Reg Societies
STEP 10: Scotland Scrutiny
STEP 12: Entering the TAR Overview
STEP 12: TAR Further Guidance
STEP 21: Validity of Appointment
STEP 23: Overview Trial Balance
STEP 23: Trial Balance Further Info
STEP 24: Prior Year Funds
STEP 25: Breakdown of Income
STEP 25a: Supplementary Note
STEP 26: Choosing Modules
STEP 27: Defining Activities
STEP 28: Income by Activities
STEP 24: Prior Year Funds
STEP 24: Prior Year Funds
STEP 33: Analysis Differences
STEP 34: Processing Notes
STEP 37: Entering Detail PL1
STEP 39: Cash Flow Statement
STEP 41: Finalisation Data