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Bookkeepers in General Practice

These products include ones that have been developed for use in accountancy firms to assist with quality control. Peter Brown & Co have been awarded the ACCA Quality Assured Mark, which gives clients of the firm the reassurance that the systems and procedures used by the firm are to the highest professional standards.

Through Sorpaid, these systems and procedures are being made available to colleagues in other firms and to charities and small businesses. For bookkeepers, either in practice, or working for a charity or a small business, these tools and techniques can help make the process of bookkeeping more cost effective and accurate.

If you need to prepare charity accounts, then look at the Accounts Production link on the Sorpaid shop.

Products in this Category
CHA/999 Charity Technical Advice - up to 4 Hours in any one year -retainer: £140.00
CHA/997 Charity Technical Advice - one off advice by telephone or email: £45.00
CHA/998 Charity Technical Advice - up to 2 hours in any one year - retainer: £75.00
ANA/998 Up to 2 hours of bookkeeping advice to charities/business proprietors: £60.00
ANA/999 Up to 4 hours of bookkeeping advice for charities/business proprietors: £100.00
ANA/997 Systems, Financial Control and Bookkeeping report for charities/small businesses: £100.00
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07786 167 990    info@sorpaid.com

Chartmain Services Ltd t/a Sorpaid
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YO43 3PF.
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