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Bookkeeping tools for small businesses

A micro business will merely keep a lot of receipts and vouchers in a box or file for an accountant to work on at the year end. 

A much larger business will emply a full computerised accounting system.

In between, is the business that requires to keep proper records, but where the use of a full computerised system is over the top, and cannot be justified either in cost terms or in the amount of work required.

These Excel based tools fill the gap. As long as the user has basic sprreadsheet skills, the data relating to takings and expenses is entered into a cash and bank record in a sytematic way, so that at the end of the year the accountant can quickly and easily prepare a set of accounts


Products in this Category
ANA/998 Up to 2 hours of bookkeeping advice to charities/business proprietors: £60.00
ANA/999 Up to 4 hours of bookkeeping advice for charities/business proprietors: £100.00
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