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Charity Advisors

There are a range of charity related products in the SORPaid shop that will assist charity advisors when they are consulted by charities. These include products that assist with: 

  • Accounts Preparation
  • Bookkeeping
  • Preparing the Trustees' Annual Report
  • Good governance
  • Training of trustees
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Fundraising
  • Management of reserves
  • Reporting to funders
  • Legal and Property matters

If you need to prepare charity accounts, then look at the Accounts Production link on the Sorpaid shop.


Products in this Category

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CHA/0536/14 VT Unincorporated Charity or CIO R&P Independent Exam - Scotland: £50.00
CHA/0537/14 VT Unincorporated Charity or CIO R&P -exempt from scrutiny - England & Wales: £50.00
CHA/999 Charity Technical Advice - up to 4 Hours in any one year -retainer: £140.00
CHA/997 Charity Technical Advice - one off advice by telephone or email: £45.00
CHA/998 Charity Technical Advice - up to 2 hours in any one year - retainer: £75.00
ANA/998 Up to 2 hours of bookkeeping advice to charities/business proprietors: £60.00
ANA/999 Up to 4 hours of bookkeeping advice for charities/business proprietors: £100.00
ANA/997 Systems, Financial Control and Bookkeeping report for charities/small businesses: £100.00
CHA800/14 Applying for HMRC recognition/Notifying HMRC of new trustees: £10.00
CHA0314 VAT Healthcheck for a charity: £12.00
COU002 Bespoke courses for charity trustees and administrators on charity law and accounts: £0.00
CHA1314 VAT Calculation spreadsheet for charities: £15.00
How to do an Independent Examination - an e book: £15.00
Trustees Report Drafting tool for 2015 SORPs - Multicharity version: £15.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W Multi Bundle: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT Multi Bundle: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI Multi Bundle: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE Company- No Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE CIO no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL Reg Soc: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W Consolidated: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE Company - no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE SCIO no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated with no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL Reg Soc: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT Consolidated: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE Company No Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE CIO - no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated- no endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI Consolidated: £150.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE Company- WITH Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE CIO- WITH Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) E&W SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated WITH endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE Company - with endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE Company WITH Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated WITH endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) SCOT SMALL SINGLE SCIO with endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE Unincorporated charity WITH Endowment funds: £60.00
FRS 102 SORP 2015 (2016 modification) NI SMALL SINGLE CIO - WITH endowment funds: £60.00

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